Seen & Heard: Signs of Life at Pakistan Tea House

••• The City Planning Commission voted to approve the plan to give back Water Street arcades to developers in exchange for plaza upgrades. According to Capital New York, “The Municipal Art Society of New York recently testified in favor of the plan, and urged the city to replicate it elsewhere.” But: “The Municipal Art Society also urged that any loss of public space be subjected to a ‘thorough and transparent economic analysis,'” something that one hopes the City Council will insist upon before it votes on the matter in June—especially since developers’ sway over local politicians is such a hot topic these days.

••• Glad to see that By Suzette creperie on Chambers has reopened! (A pipe burst back in February.)

••• You have to admire the System Architects branding on the plywood at 187 Franklin—it’s a building I’m increasingly excited about.

••• Finally, some signs of life at Pakistan Tea House, which is being resuscitated by Baluchi’s.

Pakistan Tea House2••• I thought that the Roll and Go pizza joint at Franklin and Broadway was sharing its space with sister restaurant Black Burger, but they’re actually separated by a wall, and Black Burger has its own entrance on Franklin.

Black Burger


1 Comment

  1. Really hope Baluchi’s keep the spirit of Pakistan Tea House and not try to change it too much, the attitude and erraticism of the place was what was brilliant about it.
