Seen & Heard: Updates on Three New Hotel Restaurants

••• Harold’s Meat & Three restaurant, in the new Arlo hotel, has opened.

••• Staffers at the Beekman hotel say that the Tom Colicchio restaurant, Fowler & Wells, needs another week and a half to two weeks. But the bar is open, so you can have a drink in the atrium. I was told it opens at 3 p.m. and closes relatively early—something like 10:30 p.m. on weekdays and midnight on weekends, but I didn’t catch the specifics, so the takeaway here is to call if you’re planning on making a night of it.

••• New report from a reader about the Four Seasons: “They’ve now also opened the sidewalk going east on Park Place. And last night the guy outside at Cut said the opening was still a few weeks away,” rather than tonight. “They were still training staff.” UPDATE: I just walked into the Four Seasons, and someone managerial said the restaurant opens for breakfast (and possibly lunch) tomorrow (Tuesday) and for dinner on September 24.

••• Does anyone know why U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services is no longer using its fancy new-ish entrance at Federal Plaza? And why it has to be blocked off to everyone? Those of us who live on Broadway get asked all the time where Federal Plaza is; that signage is not going to help. UPDATE: M Keegan quoted an email in a comment: “This email is to inform you of an immediate structural situation affecting the security pavilion and garage below. Through an engineering study performed recently we received notification that structural members of the garage and security pavilion are compromised and require extensive repairs. These repairs could take 2-3 years to complete (including design and construction) and it has been recommended that we vacate the garage and relocate the security pavilion to mitigate any safety risk.”

uscis-federal-plaza••• Thanks to the Salty Paw on Peck Slip for hosting the pug meet-up yesterday. Howard totes enjoyed it.

pugs-take-ny-meetup-at-the-salty-paw••• On the way home, we got a good look at 375 Pearl from the southeast. Why is one corner glass and the other not? I’m afraid they’re making an ugly building worse.

375-pearl••• A while back I ran that post about notable Tribeca mentions in popular culture. if I ever do it again, I’ll have to include this—it’s an interview, not a song, but it keeps popping up on Twitter.



  1. Here ya go, re: 26 Federal Plaza entrance……
    “This email is to inform you of an immediate structural situation affecting the security pavilion and garage below. Through an engineering study performed recently we received notification that structural members of the garage and security pavilion are compromised and require extensive repairs. These repairs could take 2-3 years to complete (including design and construction) and it has been recommended that we vacate the garage and relocate the security pavilion to mitigate any safety risk.”

