The folks at 88 Greenwich invited me over to see the 2,346-square-foot deck on the 24th floor. The 1929 Art Deco building was originally offices, and then converted to residential rentals in the early 90s. It went condo in 2006. The deck was redone last year, and it looks quite nice.
The deck faces the east and south, but let’s start by looking to the west—toward Battery Park City, the river, and Jersey City—which you can do if you wedge yourself in between two planters.
And directly below is a funky old sign; 19 Rector was the building’s original address.
And you do get a nice look at 4 World Trade Center to the north.
I’m not as good with FiDi buildings as I am with Tribeca ones, and I don’t have the
time inclination to look up what this one is, but it sure is lovely. One of the best things about these roof decks is beinga ble to see the tops of buildings, and how they used to get more attention than they do now.
As we pivot to the east, there’s a neat view of Trinity Church, wedged between buildings. And doesn’t the tall building in the second photo look like 30 Park Place?
Down below is the old Syms store, currently being demolished to make way for a 40-story tower (77 Greenwich).
And you know I like looking down at other people’s terraces….
And possibly the best view from the deck: the Brooklyn-Battery tunnel, the Battery, New York Harbor, Governors Island, and the Verrazano-Narrows Bridge.
These are the two little plazas being combined into a park in memory of Liz Berger, former head of the Downtown Alliance.
And there used to be talk of turning the roof of one of these parking garages, or maybe both of them, into a park, but I haven’t heard anything about that in a long time. Wouldn’t it be fantastic?
There are binoculars, so you can really inspect the inhabitants of 50 West…
…and the people on the 88 Greenwich terraces below.
••• 50 Murray
••• 100 Barclay
••• 200 Chambers
I heard through the grapevine that 305 bway is going condo. Landlord refuses to renew lease longer than 5 yrs.
That’s the top of the Battery Parking Garage, which is where the Tribute in Light is projected from on 9/11.
It’s also a surprisingly fantastic parking garage – one of the few self-park facilities left in the city.
That building is 2 Rector Street.