Battening down hatches, and preparing for a storm

Let’s hope this is just a precaution, but local buildings and businesses are boarding up windows in the event that there are a fresh round of riots tonight, should the vote go the wrong way. I am not exactly sure who folks are imagining the rioters will be and what message they will carry — the way I see it, it could come from either side.

Back in late May/early June, local storefronts learned the hard way — by my count about 15 store windows were smashed in the neighborhood — to board up for a few days. In fact, Tribeca Apothecary, whose storefront was a clear target by a group who pulled up in four black cars, was one of the first to prepare this time. (Thanks to E. and S.S. for a couple of these.)

And I am not exactly sure what the explanation is here, but Whole Foods was cleaned out last night — reminding me of early quarantine days. No ground beef, no hamburger buns, no onions. So either everyone in the neighborhood is making sloppy joes for Election night dinner, or folks are preparing for another lockdown.



  1. this is a great article but must disagree about one point you made. It is not either side that destroyed and looted. I am a democrat and must disagree this point. I blame our corrupt Mayor.

    • One side looted physically & destroyed property; the other side looted *billions* in PPP loans & then laid people off anyway. Not to mention stock dumps by Loeffler, et al, in Feb ahead of the pandemic they saw coming & decided to duck. Broken windows suck, but can be fixed. The billions are gone — *our money* — and the dumps will never be prosecuted.

      • This article is about the looting. and destruction. You are entitled to your opinion. I see what my city was before and now and the blame is on our mayor and governor who turned his back on our city and our businesses. At least I voiced my opinion which many are so ” afraid” of doing. Our city is a mess. Not every business has the money to rebuild.

  2. Either side. That’s hilarious.

  3. A very sad reflection of the state of our society.

