Lola Tribeca is burgled

Lola Tribeca, the diminutive jewelry store on Harrison and Greenwich, was burgled yesterday morning at around 4a, said the owner, Rachael Elderfield. Police got the call at 8 when a friend walked by and discovered the broken window; Paul Grieco’s cameras from Terroir caught the burglar on tape.

The suspect stole more than $1600 worth of jewelry and then fled west on Harrison. He is described by the NYPD as a male, light complexion, 5’10” 170 lbs. and was last seen wearing white clothing. There are no arrests and the investigation remains ongoing.

Rachael opened Lola in February 2019, taking over Tribecan and jeweler Cass Lilien’s 40-square-foot shop at 25 Harrison. (Cass still supplies a few of the necklaces, but Rachael now sources merch from all over the world, including handbags, hats and home goods.) She thwarted a very upsetting robbery in November 2020, when a man came into the shop, tried to distract her by dumping dog treats on the floor and trying to sweep jewelry into a shopping bag.

When Cass had the store, it was broken into twice, most recently in April 2018.

Rachael keeps the fine jewelry locked up at night, and the store is alarmed, but I hope despite this she is willing to keep some baubles in the window still — it’s the best nighttime window shopping in town.



  1. Cynthia Rowley’s showroom was broken into early Sunday morning (4:20am) via a broken window in a side door off Staples St. I don’t know if anything was stolen but the police were given video of the incident from a nearby camera at the back of 55 Hudson Street

  2. I live at Harrison & Staple and there is a definite pattern of people partying in the Staple Street alley and then being destructive (throwing beer bottles at windows, damaging window boxes, damaging cameras) I’ve asked the first precinct several times just to occasionally have a car drive down the alley from Duane (I feel it would be a big deterrent) since I’ve sat and watched local patrols make a continuous circle on Harrison- never bothering to drive down Duane or Jay Street. Laughing Man is closed at night-which is the only time I see police on Duane.

