Recent Comments

  • They really need to bring the Milanese and the Ossobuco from the west village to Tribeca 2 of the best around — Italian stallion on Catching Up with New Kids: Osteria Carlina

  • In no time at all, these walls will be covered with graffiti and sticker vandalism, and will therefore become even more of an eyesore. — Marcus on Battery Park City’s new resiliency plans for Tribeca

  • This entire concept of piecemeal opaque wall barriers seems not particularly well conceived given the scale of the actual problem (not to mention to the unintended consequences for other parts of the city pointed out by others), and effectively doubles down on the totally inhospitable nature of this (otherwise well-located) part of the neighborhood. A city as wealthy as NYC should be able to do so much better. If we are going to proceed w these monster walls, can we at least include some greenery on the walls themselves? There’s a reason why almost no pedestrians use this stretch of road, it’s a depressing experience to walk anywhere near BMCC.. — Reader on Reade on Battery Park City’s new resiliency plans for Tribeca

  • Incredible project! And to think that thousands of neighborhood/city children would be able to access such an educational gem of a public facility for less than the price of an oversized condo a block to the east in north Tribeca. For those in our (very well off) neighborhood that want to donate to the organization raising funds for this (and other riverside) projects: — Reader on Reade on Plans for the Pier 26 estuarium fill out the last piece of the park

  • Keep in mind that their goal is to protect Battery Park City. — Tribeca Citizen on Battery Park City’s new resiliency plans for Tribeca

  • I wish I could add the pic here I found on the NYC Flood Hazard Mapper because it details how the area from North Moore north to Canal and east as far as Collect Pond Park is one of the most serious flood zone with a base elevation of 11 feet. You can find it here: The proposed plan provides for flood walls just south of there. So basically all of the flood waters will be directed into this area. Please look this up. You will see that the current plan is total folly. — Heide Fasnacht on Battery Park City’s new resiliency plans for Tribeca

  • Probably the best news I have heard rhis month. Cannot wait for wonderful falafel. — Wendell on Noted falafel restaurant coming to Greenwich and Laight

  • I am sure you saw correctly. — Tribeca Citizen on Illegal cannabis stores are selling ridiculous dosages of THC

  • Are we building Flood Protection or a Jail? 17'5" seems excessive for the former and just about right for the latter — Wilbur on Battery Park City’s new resiliency plans for Tribeca

  • I recently decided to take a walk to the Canal Street area. I do not live in Tribeca but have worked here for over 35 years. On my walk, I noticed that there were still "fake" handbags being sold. One other item was that I noticed people who were selling what appeared to be marijuana openly. There were 3 of 4 stems in a see-through container. I am older so I might have misjudged what I saw. Can anyone help me out with additional information? Thanks — Rhino on Illegal cannabis stores are selling ridiculous dosages of THC

  • This is great. This structure has long bothered me because of the issues you raised, but I, for some reason, always thought this was one of those grates that had become dangerous because of the potential of electric shock. I thought I heard stories of dogs being shocked at this location, but could be wrong. Glad they solutioned it quickly. Thank you — B.Thompson on Nosy Neighbor: Who do we call to get the wooden structures on the street removed?

  • Exactly, beyond greedy are these southbridge residents paying practically nothing for maintenance and parking. They bought a Mitchell Lama coop for $10,000, privatized after 20 years so no one else could afford their apartment now selling for $750,000. Enjoy losing the views you shouldn't have had in the first place. — NikkiEx on Seaport tower will proceed after court’s ruling

  • My husband and I celebrated our 20th wedding anniversary with a dinner at Saga this past Saturday night (June 16th). After dinner, as we were going down the elevator, a man got in from a lower floor and we and our fellow passengers in the elevator all looked at him quizzically (since it’s a dedicated elevator that goes from the ground floor to Saga and Overstory). He smiled and introduced himself to all of us as the chef and owner of the restaurant, hence his ability to enter from a different floor. He chatted with us as we finished our ride down and wished everyone a good night as we left. I was struck that night by how sweet and engaging he was, and by the fact that it was he who initiated the conversation. He made such a positive impression in just the time it took to ride down those few floors. When I read the news of his passing the next day, it was such a gut punch. My heart goes out to his family and friends for their tremendous loss. — MF on Crown Shy chef James Kent dies at age 45

  • This is super exciting. Thanks so much for the article. — A Tribeca Parent on Noted falafel restaurant coming to Greenwich and Laight

  • No wonder they've cordoned off that back section of Juice Press... — H on Noted falafel restaurant coming to Greenwich and Laight

  • LOVE all your info!!!!! And nice to see it has a positive effect!!!! Keep it coming! — joan martling on Nosy Neighbor: Why are the signs still up for the Five Boro Bike Tour?

  • "The folks in the press office at Bike New York, which organizes the race, got back to me immediately... " ...and have still to this date done nothing about the signs — Robert on Nosy Neighbor: Why are the signs still up for the Five Boro Bike Tour?

  • I wish she had a studio in Tribeca. — A2 on Spotlight: Jen Lobo Plamondon of bodē nyc

  • You would get charged once when coming in. — Tribeca Citizen on Clarity — finally — on one angle of congestion pricing for Downtown residents

  • Love to try this out , sounds great ! I put my information in because I don't want to miss out on this culinary experience! My grandson 12yrs old is an expiring chef ! So I'm supporting in him in his steps forward !! — Patricia Phipps on New Kid on the Block: Filé Gumbo Bar

  • Is White Street now considered to be in Soho? It's below Canal. — KP on New Kid in Soho: Flaweless Rooftop

  • The link to Vision Zero's fatality totals is: — Jeff on CB1 has one of the lowest traffic fatality records in the city

  • The Vision Zero link, which is what I found in Pam's write-up, is: — Jeff on CB1 has one of the lowest traffic fatality records in the city

  • I know that for now this congestion tax is no t happening l, but I'd still like to know: I live on 24th st and 3rd Ave. I only use my car on weekends to visit family in Westchester area. My garage is on 24th and 2nd and I enter and exit the FDR at 23rd st to go north. Will I get charged every time I get out of the city? — Andrea Z on Clarity — finally — on one angle of congestion pricing for Downtown residents

  • When I dive into that chart I see 112 traffic fatalities in 2023, close enough to what Pam says. But when I click further, on the upper left, I find there were also 30 bicyclist fatalities and 103 pedestrian fatalities, for a total of 245 deaths involved with traffic accidents. If I click on ALL , I see 265. Close to Charles' total. Discrepancies unexplained but not surprising in a city (?) document. — Jeff on CB1 has one of the lowest traffic fatality records in the city