Is the big new building on Soho's quiet Renwick Street better than what preceded it? Does it resemble the rendering at all? Does it add to the neighborhood or detract from it? / 5 comments
Plus: A distinctive new façade on Renwick; banjoist concert; Le District now offers grocery delivery; a conversation with schools chancellor Carmen Fariña; Puma moves south. / 5 comments
Plus: Two possible names for Keith McNally's restaurant; White Street's "secret lounge"; Church Street in 1862; demolition devastation; 15 Renwick's funky roofline; plant pop-up; souvenir store survives, sort of. / 1 comment
It's about to open. Plus: SoulCycle Tribeca update; comparing the Smyth to its rendering; new UFC Gym; 15 Renwick progress; inside La Colombe on Vandam; ugly green bike lanes; North End Grill prawns.
Plus: Glimpses of 5 Beekman and 15 Renwick; shadow sculptures at One Art Space; Oktoberfest on Stone Street; 1 World Trade Center lobby art.
At two buildings in Tribeca. Plus: One more reason to open Greenwich Street in the World Trade Center; bike path by Brookfield Place a year from opening; Seaport plan moving forward; Blue School middle school; Jay Williams renting on Thomas Street; 1WTC art; east Soho bakery.
Plus: Renwick condo renderings; temporary plaza initiative for Peck Slip; multi-purpose levees and the East River; west Soho development.
Plus: Chambers construction update; Jerry's Café tenant?; Renwick development; Jeff Zimmerman's sculptures; Diane Detalle show. / 2 comments
Plus: Corbin Building subway entrance opens; Benvenuto open 24 hours; predicting the Super Bowl winner; 15 Renwick rendering. / 1 comment
Plus: A 93 Worth reunion at 15 Renwick; Franklin subway entrance finally reopened; new deli; Marc Forgione Bloody Mary mix; Balcony Café progress. UPDATE: Lispenard restaurant not necessarily happening. / 1 comment
Plus: East River Ferry expands; salon on Worth Street; bees swarm the South Street Seaport; 15 Renwick.
Plus: Atera's first big review; 15 Renwick foreclosure; Cobblestone Lofts comp. / 8 comments
They’re open “for the neighbors” before the official date. Everybody is so nice. The women’s dressing room is adorable. There’s... — Hudson River / Sneak Peek: Printemps
No one wants a crusty bagel. It is supposed to be doughy and soft through and through. NYC gets bagels... — John / Apollo Bagels coming to John Street
Will check. — Tribeca Citizen / Apollo Bagels coming to John Street — Tribeca Citizen / 53 Beach Street, at the corner of Collister, is for sale
You need an editor! Your punctuation is atrocious. — Jk Singer / Sneak Peek: Printemps
The building sold: — Florence / 53 Beach Street, at the corner of Collister, is for sale
Exciting addition to the neighborhood! Hope they will consider partnering with their neighbor, number one caviar boutique at 14 Wall... — Zakary / Sneak Peek: Printemps