The acclaimed author of "Asylum," "Spider," and now "The Wardrobe Mistress" has lived in the area for 34 years. He shares his favorite restaurants, the most romantic spot around, the new building he doesn't like, and more. / 3 comments
Plus: Suspect sought in thefts; how a fencer spends his Sundays; menswear shop opens in FiDi; film being made about a worker at Windows on the World. / 2 comments
Plus: Artist Raymond Pettibon; shiny new building for the Seaport skyline; Alexander Wang partied at Pier 17; 25 Broad refurbished; Canal Street building.
Details on the new plans for Il Matto. Plus: Discoveries under Fulton Street; graffiti artist's loft recreated; 25 Broad now leasing; 4WTC potentially delayed. UPDATE: Added Manhattan Loft Guy's before-and-after look at Alexander Wang's loft.
Plus: Compose gets a rave; another FiDi condo building going rental; Imagination Playground; Greenwich Street development site.
While we are on the subject, does the city have any plans for the Africans/ counterfeit peddlers on Canal/Lispenard/Broadway/Church since... — R. / City proposes another Safe Haven shelter for the Seaport
The only reason to choose this location I could think of is they got a great deal from the hotel... — R. / City proposes another Safe Haven shelter for the Seaport
The 105 Washington shelter is also within 400 feet of PS 150. It was pushed thru in a former administration... — PS 150 Parent / City proposes another Safe Haven shelter for the Seaport
The park looked like a dump the next day. It can get bad at times in the summer due to... — Daniel / A midsummer day at Rockefeller
Oh! We are so sad! We loved Khe-Yo. All the very best to Phet and the team. — Mary Jo / Khe-Yo has closed permanently
We will have to show up to that CB1 meeting. No voice, no consideration! — Sandra / City proposes another Safe Haven shelter for the Seaport
Easily one of my favorites. It always was vibrant there. — Patrick / Khe-Yo has closed permanently