Local shops and restaurants tend to hand out candy to trick-or-treaters after school on Halloween itself (October 31). But before that, there are plenty of ways to make the holiday into a multi-day affair. / 1 comment
Plus: Church Street School's future; the new shop/showroom on Duane; the Sarabeth's owners bought a restaurant on Houston; people in their 50s who moved to New York City. / 1 comment
Plus: Church Street School's struggle to find a new home; the plaza outside 50 West and the West Thames pedestrian bridge; Justin Bieber's pleasurable massage. / 3 comments
"We’re the only non-profit school for the arts below Canal Street," says co-founder Lisa Ecklund-Flores, "and I’ve always felt like the school is a vessel for the community to use any way they want." She estimates that 10,000 students have studied there since it opened in 1990.
Plus: One Roll and Go slice joint has a new name; upcoming events (including Ladybug Day) at Washington Market Park; Church Street School's annual Happening; Exhale opening on Thompson; former Naked Lunch bar to be a deli.
Discussed at last night's meeting: Start date for the five-year Worth Street reconstruction; whether to give 70 Vestry 33 more private parking spaces; Two Hands sidewalk tables; Five Boro Bike Tour street closures; several event permits; Wichcraft and Chipotle liquor licenses; the Flea update. / 3 comments
Plus: Chambers Street smoke shop has closed; Downtown Dance Factory keeps expanding; Church Street School wants your input at town hall meetings; Wetlab Look-ins at the River Project start this week.
Plus: Bar Primi correction; longtime FiDi sushi restaurant has closed; progress at 30 Park Place (and less so at its neighbor); open mic night for adults at Church Street School; missing a charming window display. / 6 comments
There's fun for all ages: trick-or-treating, a parade, free pumpkins, musical performances, a jack-o'-lantern contest, "kooky karaoke," a boat cruise, and even a costume catwalk. Plus: How to donate extra candy. / Sponsored
Plus: British chain opening a Fulton Center restaurant; searching for Tribeca expats; P.S. 150 rummage sale; Church Street School wants LMDC funds; Lot 77's reinvention; Baron Von Fancy billboards. / 1 comment
The foundry, which had to leave its Canal Street location shortly after setting up shop, has found another spot in the neighborhood where it can teach kids to make cool stuff.
Discussed at this month’s meeting: How to get some authority over sidewalk cafés in the neighborhood; the cabaret license for Haus nightclub; American Flatbread's efforts to reach out to its neighbors; Church Street School event. / 3 comments
@Makes_You: I fwd'd yr comment to ("Gridlock") Sam Schwartz, who as former NYC Traffic Commissioner knows E-ZPass ins and outs.... — Komanoff / Congestion pricing is here
Yes, I saw a report yesterday stating it would take longer for the charges to show because they have to... — B.Thompson / Congestion pricing is here
It is a user fee, not a tax and a progressive one at that. The users, drivers and car owners,... — OK / Congestion pricing is here
Yesterday I exited the Holland Tunnel, crossed Laight St to the West Side Hwy, went north and turned into Pier... — Makes You Go Hmmmm.... / Congestion pricing is here
Chris Marte is a nice guy, but soooo ineffective. I only wish enough residents would come out to vote for... — Hmmmm / Congestion pricing is here
No one is stopping you from doing it . . . — Reademan / The family from Beef Bar has taken the Sarabeth’s corner
Dining at Eulalie is a beautifully unique experience. They deserve this award and more. — Debbie Kopinski / Tina Vaughn of Eulalie has won the Michelin service award