For the past 12 years, I've lived in an apartment with a view of the (David N. Dinkins Manhattan) Municipal Building, wondering what it'd be like to be up there. Thanks to Open House New York, now I know! / 7 comments
Plus: Lena Dunham's new Tribeca tattoo; H&M looks much closer to ready; photos from the Municipal Building cupola tour; the mysterious shoe-repair shop on Walker; free puppet show in Canal Park; "Crime" shooting here. / 3 comments
Plus: Planting at the Four Seasons plaza; Racines NY introduces happy hour; a furniture store's "huge huge sale"; shut out of the Municipal Building cupola tour; tawdry colored lighting; Skin Laundry façade. / 17 comments
Plus: The clocktower at 346 Broadway will be a private residence; peeks inside two lofts, one of which is Art Deco–inspired; Pier A still shooting to open soon.
Plus: Another Sheldon Silver–related cover-up?; touring 4 World Trade Center; big lines for Comic-Con tickets; parts of a Starbucks ceiling fall.
Plus: No money yet for the Lower Manhattan Performing Arts Center; artist Laurie Spiegel; new condo among first-time Open House New York sites. / 1 comment
Annika K. Martin shares her photos from an Open House New York tour of downtown's most spectacular building, from the basement swimming pool to Frank W. Woolworth's private office to the 47th floor terrace. Or was it the 44th floor? Why there's confusion is just one of the many things you're about to learn. / 11 comments
Plus: Campbell Brown bought on Murray; Westboro Baptist Church is protesting here tonight; drama at SoulCycle; Park51 design; the glory that is Matsugen.
Plus: 9/11 protests planned despite objections; Open House New York; Tribeca's relatively less-obese children.
Plus: Edward Albee; Liquor Store photo shoot; hard-hat tour of 1 World Trade; a vacant lot on Greenwich sells; 60 Beach penthouse.
Plus: News from or about Grown & Sewn, Torly Kid, Moomah, Warren 77, Tribeca Meet & Greet, Blue Coyote, Morimoto, Synagogue for the Arts, and more
Love it! — SW / Nosy Neighbor: What is the Grandma Stand?
Added bonus when you are on the stand: cookies. — Tribeca Citizen / Nosy Neighbor: What is the Grandma Stand?
welcome to our town! — madeline c lanciani / New Kid on the Block: Whitening Bar
what a great idea! i think i may have found my retirement career — madeline c lanciani / Nosy Neighbor: What is the Grandma Stand?
Terrible news. What a wonderful place. Best sushi in Tribeca by far. — Scott / Sushu Azabu will close in a couple weeks
Oh no Heide, I mean the criminal migrants and homeless Americans at any shelter near a school is very dangerous.... — Native / Migrant shelter on Washington and Rector will close by June
You misunderstood me. I don't want a larger homeless shelter. I don't want anymore shelters downtown. We have enough especially... — Native / Migrant shelter on Washington and Rector will close by June