Read about Property in the Tribeca Citizen Shopping Guide.
And the inaugural Tribeca Night—timed with NYCxDesign but open to everyone—is next week, with many members staying open late and serving refreshments. Go pay a visit or ten! / 4 comments
Plus: Howard Hughes Corporation buys another Seaport-area building; why the World Trade Center Transportation Hub isn't white; Property's newish location.
Plus: Today's "Gotham" shoot; Brookfield Place's entrance shapes up; Canstruction; Elements Fitness Studio; Walker Street "cast-iron inversion"; what's thutt; filming info; T-Mobile renovation. / 2 comments
Plus: Denny's opens Friday; Property will have vintage clothing; wallets stolen at Pier 25; Raccoon Lodge patron goes aggro, bites police officer. / 4 comments
A Soho transplant is opening a shop on Walker. / 1 comment
Plus: Soho furniture store temporarily on Walker; "Three Amigos!" screening; Harrison townhouse on the market; multi-sensory happiness installation; art exhibit. / 3 comments
Oh no Heide, I mean the criminal migrants and homeless Americans at any shelter near a school is very dangerous.... — Native / Migrant shelter on Washington and Rector will close by June
Tribeca Citizen, you misunderstood me. I don't want a larger homeless shelter. I don't want anymore shelters downtown. We have... — Native / Migrant shelter on Washington and Rector will close by June
My understanding: migrants are being housed largely by HHC, the Health and Hospitals Corp. That's who had the contract for... — Tribeca Citizen / Migrant shelter on Washington and Rector will close by June
Comment from the anonymous moniker "Native" implies that housing Americans in a shelter near a school would be safer than... — Heide Fasnacht / Migrant shelter on Washington and Rector will close by June
I’m sorry but there are not 289+ (Raddison) or 400+ Holiday Inn homeless people downtown. There are enough issues with... — XLA / Migrant shelter on Washington and Rector will close by June
Maybe others know, but my understanding is that the City is now housing homeless migrants through the City’s regular shelter... — MSA / Migrant shelter on Washington and Rector will close by June
Yes, it is important that the public understand the nature of these relationships, since the public is apparently subsidizing them.... — james / P3 will leave Pier 40 this summer