The catering hall had hoped to expand to the first floor of 2 Desbrosses as well as take over the restaurant space at 205 Hudson.
The former American Flatbread space at Canal got its liquor license in 2018, only to be now tied up in many layers of disagreement between the two original founding partners.
No matter the size or style of your private party, whether it’s for the holidays or some other event, the perfect venue is nearby. / Sponsored
Tribeca Rooftop owner Billy Reilly says that he's abandoning the plan to open an event space there. Instead, he's looking at looking at different restaurant options. / 6 comments
New developments as Tribeca Rooftop and its ticked-off neighbors gear up for round two: The adjacent locksmith might be added to the American Flatbread space, and the raucous parties continue to spill out on the street. / 3 comments
Discussed at this month’s meeting: The controversial seasonal café outside Laughing Man; American Flatbread's even more controversial plan to become a catering facility; 4 a.m. closing for Haus nightclub; ACE's efforts for the homeless. / 17 comments
Also on Community Board 1 agendas for March: Laughing Man's street café; rooftop addition on Franklin; big film FiDi film shoot; 4am weeknights at Haus; Epicerie Boulud; more. / 2 comments
Plus: Two schools cut pre-K programs because of overcrowding; chicken enchiladas.
Plus: Possible new wine bar; late-night food trucks; Warren storefront; New Amsterdam Market vendors. / 5 comments
Even if you've closely read every post in the past year, you'll still learn something—such as the fact that yet ANOTHER nail salon is on its way. UPDATE 8/15: The interior designer moving into a Hudson storefront.
A popular Vermont-based brand of pizza restaurants is in talks to open at the southwest corner of Hudson and Canal.
This week: Photos taken on Chambers, Harrison, Hudson, Worth, and Desbrosses. UPDATE 4/10: The stop-sign situation gets curiouser and curiouser.
Yeah you are a xenophobe and a bigot. For one you're all bent out of shape over someone boycotting a... — D / Hobby Lobby has installed signs on Greenwich
Yay - excited for yet another kids thing or a pilates studio... — B / Sushi Ichimura will close in August
Whoever runs the Tribeca Citizen magazine and the comments , do you really want these hateful people responding to a... — Native / Hobby Lobby has installed signs on Greenwich
D the big shot with Hateful comments. I’m a Xenophobe and a Bigot?? You don’t. Even know me. Shame on... — Native / Hobby Lobby has installed signs on Greenwich
Too bad if you don't like it you xenophobe with your stupid username "Native". Deal with it. Shop there if... — D / Hobby Lobby has installed signs on Greenwich
Don't patronize the store if you don't like it. So sick if you don't agree with something or politics you... — Native / Hobby Lobby has installed signs on Greenwich
Hey, I'm all for the Ten Commandments...even when shopping. But even better is our Bill of Rights which brings them... — Betty Heller / Hobby Lobby has installed signs on Greenwich