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Child cucumber soup. Cheery tomatoes with gout cheese. Green pies in a pick sauce. No one mangles the English language quite as charmingly as whoever writes the specials board at Sole di Capri. / 3 comments
There are a lot of reasons to love Hudson River Park, but my favorite part is the Tribeca section's wooden boardwalk. Not only is there nothing else like it anywhere in the park, it was an elegant solution to a difficult design challenge. / 3 comments
Gerardo Blumenkrantz's quirky illustrations at Houseman are all the more charming for being totally unnecessary. / 5 comments
By this time every summer, Mother Nature starts reclaiming what's rightly hers. / 4 comments
These handcuffs have been attached to a Leonard Street loading dock since at least 2011—and they've taken on special resonance after news came out that an alleged thief escaped the custody of the 1st Precinct while in cuffs.
Standing amid the many birds that nest outside Whole Foods makes me feel like Cinderella. / 1 comment
The Lani's Farm stall at the Saturday Tribeca Greenmarket has all sorts of pesticide-free produce—and the best eggs—that you can't find anywhere else, including many plants you've probably never heard of, let alone tasted.
In praise of the atria/skylights in the rear of so many Tribeca buildings—usually on the ground floor, and often extending down to the basement, or possibly lower. What really gets me excited is when someone tweaks the idea.... / 1 comment
You have to squint pretty hard to see the bright side of demolition, but here it goes: After a building has been torn down, you often get a heretofore unavailable view of something, usually the back side of a neighboring building. / 1 comment
For my money, no Tribeca lobby beats 140 Franklin, where architect Aldo Andreoli commissioned murals from Sol LeWitt when the building was converted in 2000.
While people who live on Staple Street evidently disagree, I love coming across a fashion shoot—and there seem to be more and more of late. / 3 comments
As someone who has attended a significant number of Maxwell events for the past year, I will assert that there... — Maxwell Frequenter / Catching Up With New Kids: Maxwell Social Club
I've actually been around long enough to remember when the Popeye's was open in 112, but it must have been... — James S / Plans in the works for 112-114 Chambers
That was a great move by Milwaukee. NYC historical photography is my hobby. We should have done that 100 hundred... — Jay / No news is good news — for now — for West Broadway & Reade murals
YES! We need this! Can't wait to share this news with PS 234 families! — Kathleen / (A second) Bookstore coming to Warren
So exciting! My kids love the Mysterious Bookshop and we're looking forward to loving a new bookstore on that block!... — BPCdad / (A second) Bookstore coming to Warren
wow, I’ve worked in the neighborhood for 25 years and these buildings have been vacant all this time. crazy to... — freya / Plans in the works for 112-114 Chambers
It does say telephones and intercoms on the sign so that’s what I always assumed that’s what it was. But... — freya / Nosy Neighbor: What’s going on at 132 West Broadway?