An end in sight for PS 234 construction

At the risk of jinxing us, it looks like the end might just be in sight for the construction on PS 234, which means one of the neighborhoods longest running sidewalk sheds — and I would guess its largest — could be coming down.

The School Construction Authority said that completion is scheduled for the end of this year. The parapet walls and sections of the roof should be completed late spring, and interior finishes and repairs will be made this summer. Right now the exterior masonry work is ongoing and about 90 percent complete, and the SCA is completing installation of the gates for play space.

They do have a permit for after-hours work — I know some neighbors have wondered about that.

The Donna Dennis fence was removed for restoration and has already been reinstalled, though it is hard to see underneath the scaffold.

The work at the school has had a few false starts; it was first scheduled to begin in November 2022, and then really got going last March. The sidewalk shed along the Warren Street side of the building has been up by the SCA’s account since 2017, though it sure feels like longer.



  1. Can’t wait for this to be done! It’s depressing walking under this. Feel like no progress, dark and constrained. Will be thrilled to see it removed.

  2. The scaffolding/construction on Warren Street is not only ugly, it has taken up a lot of space in the adjacent bike lane and forces bicycles and city buses to ride within inches of each other. Scaffolding should not be permitted to encroach upon public sidewalks and streets and they should not pose a public safety hazard. The fact that it has been left like this for so long is an insult. The constant double parking mayhem outside Whole Foods doesn’t help either. Good luck trying to get the NYPD, DOB, or DOT to fix this.
