"Beverly Hills Apothecary is the preferred prescription partner for the most discerning patients and doctors looking for personable and speedy service," says the website for the original location. / 2 comments
Plus: Water gushing from the 111 Murray site; the curvy façade of Franklin Street mansion; new art-themed bar in the Seaport; the City Hall Park fountain has been turned on. / 1 comment
No more schlepping all the way to Soho.... Seriously, though, did you know how stunning the beauty brand's stores are? Here are 15 examples that prove the point.
Plus: Eviction on W. Broadway; Il Giglio's farewell message; M&M store in south Soho; Fika redecorates. / 1 comment
And this time, it's not about a rent increase. Discounts will likely deepen as the end nears.
Plus: 54 Laight's questionable decision; new dates for Matt Bernson sample sale; Tribeca Canvas inches forward; drinking for the cause; volunteering at the Seaport Museum; trick-or-treat report; Lady Liberty on Broadway; kudos for a pet service; 138 W. Broadway; Mariah Carey votes. / 14 comments
Plus: Fire at 391 Broadway; Metrocards may be usable on East River Ferry; local business sues J.C. Penney; artist's wife sues photographer; actor sells building.
Just four sales were reported in the past week—although there's also the news of a prominent celebrity-owned building being in contract.
The headline says "few" but I haven't seen any others. Are there? — mulciber / What’s to do about the few remaining illegal smoke shops?
Maybe it should be illegal to buy the goods. Of course, it's difficult to prove that a buyer knew they... — Marcus / What can be done about counterfeit vendors?
Would love to help. Honest question. What can we do? — Randy / What can be done about counterfeit vendors?
"Zero tolerance" is right. That requires consistent enforcement: Every time police see this happening, seize the goods, fine the vendor.... — Marcus / What can be done about counterfeit vendors?
What should be done is that the laws on vendors should be enforced. Do the vendors have a permit? Are... — Marcus / What can be done about counterfeit vendors?
Stinks all the time there, not just in mornings. It's vile. Is it from the vendors? Also that area around... — Marcus / What can be done about counterfeit vendors?
The only reason I would approve of Chris Marte leaving the City Council would be if he became Mayor. — George Bacon / Candidates are lining up for City Council elections