Plus: Three city buildings closer to being sold—or maybe not; tourist attacked with hammer; BPCA vs. Asphalt Green; oyster colony discovered; bike-share program possibly delayed; waffle truck; two loft sales; the World Financial Center; dad klatsch. / 2 comments
It can be hard to keep up with everything that's coming soon (or coming eventually), so here’s a quick rundown. / 5 comments
Having trouble keeping up with what's opening where (and when?). Here's a quick rundown of the various businesses coming to the area. / 1 comment
Plus: The old Bouley Bakery and Market space; new florist; Demi Monde semi-update; a bit of old Tribeca charm erased. / 2 comments
What's coming to the neighborhood below Franklin and east of W. Broadway. Plus: One notable FiDi newcomer. / 5 comments
It's not a nail salon, a Subway franchise, or a children's clothing shop. / 17 comments
Plus: Jon Stewart saves the day; Tribecans who eat; Pace's new building; Riedel scion; Otto Penzler; 9/11 museum; Corton; bank robbery arrest; restaurant roundups; author Helen Simonson; "Nutcracker" blues; Seaport may sell a boat.
Plus: Doorman gifts; Compose opinions; movie theater lease; coffee geeks; landmark mobile app; SouthWest chef a TV winner; mobile post office; inside a 7 Worth sale; Chinatown BID; bank robber. UPDATE: Ski retailer coming to Tribeca.
Restaurant tenants who hope to rent in a commercial co-op or condo face this issue all the time in Tribeca.... — james / Retail Report Part 2: The Stats
This is more a specific problem for building owners with mortgage contracts that restrict them to certain minimum store rents.... — James / Retail Report Part I: What we’ve gained and where we stand
@JA: "Benefiting the very privileged few at the expense of everybody" is a good description of unchecked use of private... — Komanoff / Congestion pricing is here
I have been corresponding offline on the Congestion Pricing issue with Charles Komanoff, and while I disagree with him, (and... — Tracy Nieporent / Congestion pricing is here
The commercial owner should sue them for his lost rent. — Reademan / Retail Report Part 2: The Stats
The stores on Canal Street west of Broadway will either remain vacant or underutilized as long as NYC tolerates the... — Larry / Retail Report Part 2: The Stats
The one that has amazed me: the commercial condo at the Mohawk building, the former Bouley at Duane and Hudson.... — Tribeca Citizen / Retail Report Part 2: The Stats