This neighborhood has a few shops that are one-of-a-kind not just in the city but even the region. If you've never visited, now is the time.
Plus: Soft serve ice cream; frame sale; local petition to get 2 World Trade Center built; checking in on the Nunu Chocolates store at the World Trade Center mall; progress at a new Broadway building. / 1 comment
Plus: Spring has sprung at the Saturday Tribeca Greenmarket; storefront revealed at W. Broadway and Worth; disruptive construction on Broadway; painting classes; Lexus ad shoot. / 4 comments
Plus: Cocktail napkin art by a local lawyer; mourning the loss of Raccoon Lodge and chainification in general; mysterious lamppost appendage; peeking inside a phone-booth ad. / 1 comment
Plus: Falafellas opening in FiDi; Cloud Gallery is open; photography exhibit at Steve Amedee Gallery; agenda additions for Community Board 1 Seaport Committee. / 2 comments
Plus: Demolition in full swing; funky old sign on W. Broadway; Citigroup drill; Saks Fifth Avenue signage; "Doubt" TV shoot; Broadway storefront activity. / 11 comments
(Or at least their new movie is.) Plus: Joël Robuchon to have coffee bar, treats; fake bar for "Person of Interest" shoot; the windows at 30 Park Place; help two kids out; gallery changing name; Cheryl Hazan show. / 2 comments
It was supposed to reopen after filming of the Netflix series "The Black Rabbit" ended in the fall, but so... — Luis Vazquez FiDi Fan Page / Seen & Heard: Powell Building gets preservation award
Happy to see the neighborhood get a bagel upgrade with Pop Up Bagels! Zuckers on Chambers finally gets much needed... — Tribeca Dad / Seen & Heard: Popup Bagels to open this summer
I don’t like the toll but to say the same amount of traffic is popping up elsewhere cannot be true.... — Tyler / Tunnel Traffic: How it started; how it’s going
Recalling another oldest bar has anyone heard of any updates on The Bridge Café? — JPL / Seen & Heard: Powell Building gets preservation award
Jk Singer (talk about atrocious punctuation! Jk? Reading too much ee cummings? bell hooks?) must be a very lonely person... — Bruce Ehrmann / Sneak Peek: Printemps
Congrats Laura Starr! well done-well deserved! I voted! — madeline c lanciani / Seen & Heard: Vote for the Battery Playscape
Thanks for taking the time to share this. And thank you for doing all that you do for this community.... — A Tribeca Parent / Sneak Peek: Printemps