"The business model for boutique gyms has been shaken up by a rapidly growing web based membership program," emailed founder Winston Fisher. / 13 comments
Don't go to Drill's first outpost, at Church and Warren, expecting not to sweat. When people ask what the gimmick is, founder Winston Fisher's answer is always the same: "Hard work!" / 1 comment
Plus: Free classes at Drill Fitness; TD Bank mural; Tribeca Watch Repair relocates; landmark Canal townhouse refurbished; 460 Washington's brick façade; Brooklyn Bridge closure; subway poles. / 3 comments
But for how long? (Update: No bells today.) Plus: A better pic of 1 World Trade Center's base lit up; teddy bear sculpture extended; Greenwich façade unveiled; Drill Fitness opening date; Italian dinner party. / 6 comments
A rundown of the restaurants, shops, fitness studios, and more expected to open in greater Tribeca—with new updates on Gourmet Garage, Parm, Añejo, Dojo Tribeca, Juice Press, and more. / 4 comments
A forthcoming fitness studio in Tribeca looks like it wants to go up against SoulCycle, Flywheel, Barry's Bootcamp, and CrossFit.
GET THIS KID A NOBEL PEACE PRIZE!! I finally have .01% hope for our future. I love this work and... — B.Thompson / Kids These Days: Tech Tips
It's TAQ, just so folks know. The opened just over a year ago. https://tribecacitizen.com/2023/10/27/new-kid-on-the-block-taq/ — Tribeca Citizen / The family from Beef Bar has taken the Sarabeth’s corner
Couldn't agree with you more MTA estimates losses due to fare evasion spiked to as much as $800 million in... — Matt / Tunnel Traffic: How it started; how it’s going
I think we have a hidden gem in Tribeca that doesn’t get its due. Tac, on Warren Street, has good... — Elizabeth / The family from Beef Bar has taken the Sarabeth’s corner
Chinatown Building Supply (72 Walker) is a long-trusted local business that makes keys, and they're inexpensive. — mulciber / A new gallery is opening tonight in the Tribeca Hardware space
Whenever l want something unique and beautiful l contact the Plecas sister’s. l’ve been buying gifts for myself and special... — Jacqueline Shabot / Made in Tribeca: PLEĆAŠ
Yeah, handing over billion$ to the mismanaged and free spending MTA makes sense to non-critical thinkers. The so called "congestion"... — Common Sense / Tunnel Traffic: How it started; how it’s going