The yoga studio on Warren between Broadway and Church will condense its downtown classes into its Soho location on Broadway and Grand.
In his darkly comic dystopian novel "Happiness Ltd.", a local writer using the pen name Michael McGhee imagines our world ravaged by hurricanes and ruled by corporations.
Rock singer/dramatist/party planner Marla Mase on who sets her straight, where her best clothing finds happen, whose version of "Happy Birthday" is unmissable, and the restaurant where she holds all her meetings.
Temporarily, one assumes. Plus: Pilates discount; yoga sale; macaroni and cheese; an amusing interaction at Boomerang Toys; yoga and Hula Hoops; Tribeca Grill. (UPDATE: See comments re: M1-5 not being closed.) / 3 comments
...might soon be hanging around the Balloon Saloon? Plus: Deals on Zaitzeff, Khushi, Whole Foods gelato, and merch at Kula Yoga Project; an uplifting photo exhibit; and Theater Bar update.
Stella, Espasso, Real Pilates, Tribeca Wine Merchants, YHK Department Store—all your essentials are on sale! Plus: bus bulbs; ice cream correction; WFC restaurant showcase; WTC drill tomorrow; and firemen. / 2 comments
Plus: A deal at Kula Yoga; magnificent mushrooms; Bar Artisanal happy hour and Dylan Prime clambake; cookie of the month; Best Made's pocket axe; sales at La Lumia and Otte. / 1 comment
“What goes on your body goes into your body,” says Nicki Francis, stirring a saucepan filled with what looks like golden goo. I had invited myself to her Hudson Street home so I could see firsthand how she goes about making her Khushi line of spa products. / 3 comments
If this weather saps your initiative to exercise, resist the temptation to spend the next month curled up on the sofa with these five simple tips. Plus: Where to get your heart racing in Tribeca.
Tribeca-based health and wellness coach Marissa Vicario shares advice on how to make New Year's resolutions stick. The first step? Stop thinking of them as resolutions. / 1 comment
He is not retiring. The owners have to stop spreading rumors. — Gar / Sushi Ichimura will close in August
I'm apolitical and far from religious and definitely not a "crafter" but I'm gonna shop there just to mess all... — Makes You Go Hmmmm.... / Hobby Lobby has installed signs on Greenwich
Hobby Lobby hates women. — Bec Nyny / Hobby Lobby has installed signs on Greenwich
Agree with the urgency of the issues you detailed Malcolm! Please consider this: they are connected. Hobby Lobby also demonizes... — Heide Fasnacht / Hobby Lobby has installed signs on Greenwich
Nice menu, pretty pictures, no prices. So I guess this is another restaurant in the "if you have to ask"... — mulciber / Previewing Teakwood Thai Chophouse in Hell’s Kitchen
What is the real fight these days? I would argue our lurch into becoming a Christian nationalist country that demonizes... — malcolm / Hobby Lobby has installed signs on Greenwich
Yes, I believe you and I are in agreement? — malcolm / Hobby Lobby has installed signs on Greenwich