Plus: Brookfield got one bike station removed; Seaport schooner sailing again; architect sells apartment; Tribeca Summit analysis.
Plus: Sexual assault near City Hall; Seaport Museum gets three more months. / 1 comment
Plus: Seaport Museum closing its Fulton galleries; 25 Murray comp; "Real Housewife" searching here; Tribecan with a really big closet. / 3 comments
Plus: Pedestrian attacked; inside an ad agency; South Street Seaport Museum reopens; a model's apartment.
The soon-to-open pub in FiDi looks promising. Plus: Pace planning a 34-story dorm; Hudson River Park, still hurting; parks officer arrested for theft; man rescued from subway tracks; Seaport Museum reopening postponed. / 1 comment
Plus: South Street Seaport Museum reopening; Acqua also open again; the Lounge at Atera debuts tomorrow.
Plus: Prom king buys 200 Chambers penthouse; Odeon reviewed; Seaport restaurant serving food again; Zone A update; Seaport Museum reopening; Pier 17 still a mess; BPC activist verdict. / 1 comment
Plus: Update on 10 flooded buildings; damage at FiDi gym and South Street Seaport Museum; Matt Abramcyk branches out of Tribeca.
Plus: 54 Laight's questionable decision; new dates for Matt Bernson sample sale; Tribeca Canvas inches forward; drinking for the cause; volunteering at the Seaport Museum; trick-or-treat report; Lady Liberty on Broadway; kudos for a pet service; 138 W. Broadway; Mariah Carey votes. / 14 comments
Here are a few updates that have come in, along with photos from during and after the storm. If you get power back, please comment on this post and include your address (or at least your block). / 9 comments
Plus: NYPD memorial adds names; deal to sell historic ship deal fell through; BPC author's guitarist book; more fast food for FiDi; the Marble House cuts price again.
Plus: Local husband-and-wife artists' exhibit; Sole di Capri's new phone number; planting at Bowling Green. / 3 comments
well normally agree with TC on most things but this is one of those rare occasions I think you are... — Will / Congestion pricing is here
Could this make the NJ to Brooklyn (and vice versa) route through Staten Island and the Verrazano Bridge more attractive... — Laura / Congestion pricing is here
No. I have written about this a lot -- look at this post and others. In short,... — Tribeca Citizen / Congestion pricing is here
We are in the middle -- 75-90 persons per acre. Densest: Yorkville at 150 or more. Least dense: Riverdale, northern... — Tribeca Citizen / Retail Report Part I: What we’ve gained and where we stand
No, you have to enter a highway and then cross 60th or a bridge or tunnel to get charged. — Tribeca Citizen / Congestion pricing is here
Well, you can come in any time without a toll by public transportation. That is why it is called a... — Tribeca Citizen / Congestion pricing is here
Actually it is, as is Pier 40 and Waterside. That is just a graphic representation of the plan... — Tribeca Citizen / Congestion pricing is here