Plus: Menswear accessory inspired by Franklin Street; Espasso opening a Miami outpost; Broadway stars perform Cole Porter songs; photography show at Hazan Projects.
Plus: The adventures of Collie, the Tribeca bro; the James hotel's new mural; Cheryl Hazan's next show; Robert Janz; Tribeca Citizen's new logo.
Plus: $3,500 bottle of wine stolen; man robbed twice in one incident; another crappy FiDi hotel; Keurig recall; new essay by Craigslist ad writer.
Plus: Venting about the 1st Precinct's above-the-law parking style; New Fancy Food says goodbye; tacky billboards mar a lovely restoration; NYC Yogurt said not to be reopening; Craigslist satire; Steven Amedee art exhibit. / 7 comments
Plus: The Craigslist satirist strikes again; excellent masks at Philip Williams Posters; a Ferrari for your kid; "Scareicature" report; a diminished Mehtaphor; Quiznos is open again; "haunted bathhouse" party. / 2 comments
The funniest writing I've read in a long time was the "Cool bro needed to break in a pair of Rainbows" ad posted on Craigslist in June. The same writer has graced us again, with even more Tribeca specifics. UPDATE: The writer is Sydney Hollis. / 2 comments
Recalling another oldest bar has anyone heard of any updates on The Bridge Café? — JPL / Seen & Heard: Powell Building gets preservation award
Jk Singer (talk about atrocious punctuation! Jk? Reading too much ee cummings? bell hooks?) must be a very lonely person... — Bruce Ehrmann / Sneak Peek: Printemps
Congrats Laura Starr! well done-well deserved! I voted! — madeline c lanciani / Seen & Heard: Vote for the Battery Playscape
Thanks for taking the time to share this. And thank you for doing all that you do for this community.... — A Tribeca Parent / Sneak Peek: Printemps
This is tacky beyond belief! — R. / Sneak Peek: Printemps
They’re open “for the neighbors” before the official date. Everybody is so nice. The women’s dressing room is adorable. There’s... — Hudson River / Sneak Peek: Printemps
No one wants a crusty bagel. It is supposed to be doughy and soft through and through. NYC gets bagels... — John / Apollo Bagels coming to John Street