The actor and neighborhood fashion icon is starting her third decade as the maitre d' of The Odeon. / 16 comments
Plus: Were the holiday decorations at the 30 Park Place plaza installed correctly?; the Jeff Koons sculpture outside 7 World Trade Center is still gone; Design For Progress Garage Sale at Canal Street Market; "Law & Order: SVU" shoot; sassy cake. / 7 comments
Plus: Construction of Citi's ferry dock is underway; Church sidewalk nears completion; a peek inside Chipotle; the Jeff Koons sculpture is being refurbished; 111 Murray's hoist is coming down.
Plus: Faux Tribeca on a Montreal film set; Taste of the Seaport is this weekend; likely explanation for the Jeff Koons sculpture removal; Sophie B. Hawkins in concert.
Plus: Bogardus Plaza's scavenger hunt; local producer's documentary film about a blues legend; opening forecast for Nova Fitness Innovation studio; menu for Sola Lab on Beekman. / 8 comments
Plus: A petition to keep P.S. 150 in Tribeca; the next Lower Manhattan street to get torn up for years; is the Jeff Koons balloon sculpture being moved?; paintings at Steven Amedee. / 5 comments
Plus: The dreaded Broadway bus bulb is getting rebuilt; more looks at the 70 Vestry model; 7 World Trade Center plaza got its replacement trees; Five Boro Bike Tour street closures; the droning outside Tribeca Tower still hasn't been fixed.
GET THIS KID A NOBEL PEACE PRIZE!! I finally have .01% hope for our future. I love this work and... — B.Thompson / Kids These Days: Tech Tips
It's TAQ, just so folks know. The opened just over a year ago. — Tribeca Citizen / The family from Beef Bar has taken the Sarabeth’s corner
Couldn't agree with you more MTA estimates losses due to fare evasion spiked to as much as $800 million in... — Matt / Tunnel Traffic: How it started; how it’s going
I think we have a hidden gem in Tribeca that doesn’t get its due. Tac, on Warren Street, has good... — Elizabeth / The family from Beef Bar has taken the Sarabeth’s corner
Chinatown Building Supply (72 Walker) is a long-trusted local business that makes keys, and they're inexpensive. — mulciber / A new gallery is opening tonight in the Tribeca Hardware space
Whenever l want something unique and beautiful l contact the Plecas sister’s. l’ve been buying gifts for myself and special... — Jacqueline Shabot / Made in Tribeca: PLEĆAŠ
Yeah, handing over billion$ to the mismanaged and free spending MTA makes sense to non-critical thinkers. The so called "congestion"... — Common Sense / Tunnel Traffic: How it started; how it’s going