Plus: A sign of progress at Brookfield Place; the gas station that used to be at W. Broadway and Canal; Garrison Keiller limerick about Tribeca; a question about Morgan's Market; Ernie the cat. / 3 comments
Let's hope it's about the restaurant. Also on January’s Community Board 1 agendas: Worth Street reconstruction; Joël Robuchon liquor license; 23 Wall Street; Bastille Day; more. / 2 comments
Plus: North Cove Marina update; Hudson Street construction; Brookfield Place views of the World Trade Center; 56 Leonard's Anish Kapoor sculpture; The Harrison sale. / 7 comments
Along with a watch store and a cigar store/lounge. Plus: Sheldon "Sleazy" Silver; real estate around City Hall Park heats up; the story of the Wall Street Bull (on its 25th anniversary); Arcade Bakery's holiday treats; Tribeca vs. Downtown Brooklyn. / 1 comment
Plus: North Cove Marina remains in limbo; the crappy state of N. Moore Street; Collister Street rooftop addition-to-an-addition; Northern Tiger forecast; royals arriving tomorrow; Seaport tower unlikely to move south. / 5 comments
Plus: P.J. Clarke's update; Gourmet Garage forecast; Nexxus salon; 1st Precinct Community Council meeting; Ali Lohan, not Lindsay, is living here.
Plus: Tribeca Film Festival might settle uptown; mulling potential change at the North Cove Marina; another FiDi tower; People's sexiest chef; Native American jewelry.
Plus: Senate aide David Krone; FDNY test tomorrow morning at the 9/11 Museum; Seaport development survey; artisanal chocolate studio at the new ICE facility. / 2 comments
Plus: ARChive of Contemporary Music CD and record sale; Secretariat woodcut print; Bright Horizons book-basket contest winner; Seaport zig-zag building; Christmas tree vendor already here. / 1 comment
Plus: Today's "Gotham" shoot; Brookfield Place's entrance shapes up; Canstruction; Elements Fitness Studio; Walker Street "cast-iron inversion"; what's thutt; filming info; T-Mobile renovation. / 2 comments
Hudson Eats is an upscale dining terrace overlooking the Hudson River featuring fast-casual concepts from 14 chef-driven eateries. / Sponsored
Plus: "Gotham" filming here Monday; firehouse drawing; Veterans Day at the 9/11 Memorial; commercial sublet; River Terrace condo details; the High Line; Au Bon Pain closing. / 1 comment
I love to see this. In the end, all we have is each other, right? — malcolm / Local moms are collecting books to send to LA kids
I came here to say a lot of what Berty pointed out, so I won't repeat all of it! But... — Lisa / Tunnel Traffic: How it started; how it’s going
Don't worry, it's just a matter of time! — TribecaMom / Tunnel Traffic: How it started; how it’s going
We just got a new locksmith! — Tribeca Citizen / A new gallery is opening tonight in the Tribeca Hardware space
I truly hope they can keep the gas going...we need more beauty not more LED. — Darcy / Nosy Neighbor: What happened to the gas lamps at City Hall Park?
I miss having a place that could make KEYS. — AndyDavis / A new gallery is opening tonight in the Tribeca Hardware space
While the Congestion Toll seems to be alleviating traffic at first glance (definitely working downtown), this is absolutely not true... — A / Tunnel Traffic: How it started; how it’s going