The British grab-and-go chain is opening an outpost on Chambers. / 10 comments
Among the fourteen establishments announced: Epicerie Boulud, Australia's Jones the Grocer, Beer Table, Treat House bakery, and more coffee than you should probably drink. / 7 comments
According to the rumors, anyway. This list will be updated as new info comes in.
Free food (with fine print). Plus: Khe-Yo chef's cooking class; Pilates at Bouley Botanical; checking in on the building known as Tribeca Royale.
Plus: Urban Outfitters opened today on Broadway; Community Board 1 Landmarks Committee rescheduled; pop-up gallery on Laight.
Plus: 52 Thomas resident explains her point of view; status update on the Pret coming to Broadway; 56 Leonard; Chipotle beans; Khe-Yosk sandwiches; art exhibit.
Plus: "New York's Largest Irish Bar" to open a FiDi branch; John Waters; Collister Street closures; Chambers Street closures; two restaurants offering First-Time Tuesdays incentives. / 3 comments
Plus: Duane Park reopens on the Bowery; sanitation garage fallout; crunching a Seaport loft sale: Pret a Manger closes. / 8 comments
Plus: Pret opens with free sandwiches; guide to 9/11 arts events; steam killing trees on Greenwich and Warren; surprise dinner party pops up outside the WFC.
Including luxury condos, the fastfoodification of lower Church, the Goldman Sachs Dining & Entertainment Complex, Asphalt Green, the BPC ball fields, a nail salon, and more. UPDATE: Now with details on Dr. Michel Cohen's W. Broadway restaurant.
Coming to the 'hood. Plus: Is Bouley Studio turning into an event space?; BPC episode of "Project Runway" airing tonight; Laight House; police shut down warren on Warren; Tropicana 50; Eddie's Pizza; Polarn O. Pyret; Uncle Mike's; 471 Washington. / 1 comment
Check Resy for the hotel. For example: — Tribeca Citizen / Seen & Heard: El Taco coming to Church?
How does one learn of the movie nights? — EDWARD ADAMS / Seen & Heard: El Taco coming to Church?
"When we have a firm opening date, we will release it publicly in an exclusive and on social media.” lol... — Elizabeth / Nosy Neighbor: When will Meadow Lane open? — Tribeca Citizen / Sneak Peek: Olive’s
Do we have an update on the opening date for Olive's? — Battery park local / Sneak Peek: Olive’s
I have never been able to reach anyone... — Tribeca Citizen / Seen & Heard: Powell Building gets preservation award
Thank you for answering this question. I have been wondering about this for years. I wrote City Hall about this... — FG / Nosy Neighbor: What happened to the gas lamps at City Hall Park?